One Day in the Life of Anton Baklanov

WTA 30-Season 3 Episode 11 One Day in the Life of Anton Baklanov

This week’s episode of The Americans allows us to breathe a bit after last week’s shocking revelation. A bit! It is Season 3 Episode 11 entitled ”One Day in the Life of Anton Baklanov” written by Stephen Schiff & Tracey Scott Wilson and directed by Andrew Bernstein. The original air date was April 8, 2015.

In this episode, more and more pressure mounts as Martha expresses worry over her interview with agent Taffet. Paige continues the adjustment into her new reality. Gabriel informs Elizabeth that her mother is close to death, which prompts Phillip to lobby for a visit. As Elizabeth is making strides on one front, at the hotel; she’s hit with an untimely ultimatum from Lisa’s husband. Anton Baklanov slips further into Nina’s emotional grasp.

We have a couple of items in the news for you. The Atlantic believes the long-anticipated revelation has reinvigorated The Americans, and Vox states that The Americans is on one of the best runs of episodes in TV drama history!

Cool history and tech await us this week! We begin with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s compelling novel One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, then we take a look with Agent Gaad inside the FBI Vault – Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, and we lament the demise of the United States Football League with Oleg and Tatiana. In tech of yesteryear we swing a pulwar, and then we check into that hotel with its fancy EECO hotel management system.

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