Tag Archives: Chloramphenicol


WTA 43- Feedback for Chloramphenicol

Holy Toledo y’all – The Americans was absolutely riveting up until the last shot! There is so much in this week’s episode that we split our show into two parts! This is Episode 43 and contains our history, tech of yesteryear, and feedback segments. Please check out Episode 42 to get the news and our episode breakdown and analysis.

With such a monumental show we asked our friend Kathleen aka Alternakat to join us! This is all about The Americans Season 4 Episode 4 “Chloramphenicol”, which aired April 6, 2016. It was written by Tracey Scott Wilson and directed by Stefan Schwartz.

In our history segment, we fly on Aeroflot to the mighty city of Tula, all the while listening to our Walkman with a mix tape including Misty Blue by Dorothy Moore and Lucky Number by Lene Lovich. Then we do our research in tech of yesteryear on the side effects of that vaccine used against Glanders containing Choramphenicol. After that we have a ton of great feedback!

And we do love to hear your thoughts about The Americans so please keep sending them to us! You can email text or audio feedback to watchingtheamericans@gmail.com or signal us (we have replaced the operator!) at 919-907-0542. Follow us on Twitter @WatchAmericans. Please like us on our Facebook page Watching The Americans. And if you do enjoy the show, kindly rate us or better yet rate and review us in iTunes!

The Americans 4x04 Chloramphenicol

WTA 42- Season 4 Episode 4 Chloramphenicol

Holy Toledo y’all – The Americans was absolutely riveting up until the last shot! There is so much in this week’s episode that we split our show into two parts! Episode 42 presents the news and our episode breakdown and analysis, and Episode 43 will contain our history, tech of yesteryear, and feedback segments.

With such a monumental show we asked our friend Kathleen aka Alternakat to join us! This is all about The Americans Season 4 Episode 4 “Chloramphenicol”, which aired April 6, 2016. It was written by Tracey Scott Wilson and directed by Stefan Schwartz.

With the death of a major character, there was an explosion of news. We start with Hitfix and Alan Sepinwall’s interview where the executive producers explain why they did THAT in this episode, followed by Vulture talking with Alison Wright on the tragedy of playing Martha, and then The New Yorker comparing Outlander and The Americans. Then we delve more into Nina’s fate with EW and another interview with the showrunners explaining what happened and we close with The NY Post and the scene that left Annet Mahendru in tears.

After all that it’s time to talk about the events that happened this week, including Gabriel and Elizabeth dealing with Glanders and its vaccine, Elizabeth’s surprising change of heart about Paige, Martha’s unusual dinner with Aderholt, Stan’s search for the truth about Martha, and the end of Nina’s story.

Don’t forget part two is coming soon!

We do love to hear your thoughts about The Americans so please send them to us! You can email text or audio feedback to watchingtheamericans@gmail.com or signal us (we have replaced the operator!) at 919-907-0542. Follow us on Twitter @WatchAmericans. Please like us on our Facebook page Watching The Americans. And if you do enjoy the show, kindly rate us or better yet rate and review us in iTunes!